
Ulyana Sergeenko Fall/Winter 2014 Haute Couture

2:10 PM

Collections are (almost) always better when there is a story behind the inspiration - something compelling the designer to create beautiful clothes rather than doing so simply because it's expected.  Ulyana Sergeenko had a very personal inspiration for her Fall/Winter 2014 Haute Couture Collection - the political disaster that is Ukraine at the moment.  The upheaval and unrest in the area made her think about the last time that there was a similar situation there - when the USSR rose up out of the ashes and brought on an whole new era.  Talk about ideas to work with.

While the pieces aren't war-torn soldier's uniforms or peasant dresses there is a certain air of old-school inspiration about them that speaks to a woman who has been through some difficult experiences.  The clothes are beautiful but somehow have a certain sadness.  Some pieces don't seem to fit in perfectly but it doesn't bother us as it has with other collections.  Instead of being distracting it adds to the charm - like china at a tea room that doesn't actually match but makes you smile nonetheless.  Ulyana Sergeenko's woman is one that is emerging from a less than ideal situation and choosing to embrace beauty through clothes when it isn't readily available elsewhere.

Fall/Winter 2014 Haute Couture Ulyana Sergeenko
A beautiful marriage of menswear to feminine details, Alyana Sergeenko used tailored and boxy cuts in feminine fabrics in her Fall/Winter 2014 Haute Couture Collection.
Fall/Winter 2014 Haute Couture Ulyana Sergeenko
Invoking a certain Audrey Hepburn in War and Peace vibe, these ladylike pieces may have old inspiration but in beautiful colors and embellishment, they will look right at home on today's streets.  (Side note:  we're completely obsessed with the skirt paired with suspenders!)
Fall/Winter 2014 Haute Couture Ulyana Sergeenko
Outerwear the same masculine/feminine vibe that is present throughout the collection - a boxy, yet embellished piece or a powerful fabric in a sexy cut.
Fall/Winter 2014 Haute Couture Ulyana Sergeenko
Hemlines were slashed to the tops of the thighs for several of the dresses but while we do love a beautiful pair of gams, these weren't our favorite pieces - they evoke a certain desperation, a need for attention.
Fall/Winter 2014 Haute Couture Ulyana Sergeenko
We actually much prefer these two looks which we find to be much sexier even though there is substantially more fabric (okay, at least the look on the left has more fabric).  It's hard to say 'no' to a woman who is strong, confident and beautiful.
Fall/Winter 2014 Haute Couture Ulyana Sergeenko
The gown on the left is perhaps one of our favorites of the entire collection - structure and flow are harmonious in this gown that we are dying to see walk down a red carpet.

Thank you to Style for the gorgeous photos.

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