
Monkey Around: How to Take on the Zoo in Style

9:32 AM

We have a dog.  And if Mr. Harbin wasn't allergic we would have a cat.  We feel inclined to stop and help any and all furry creatures.  We love animals, which makes our love for zoos pretty much expected.  We're actually about 8 years old at heart, and yes, we are 100% okay with that.  

Zoo Adventure Outfit
We love zoos and go to them every chance we can get.  Whether you've been dozens of times before or haven't been since elementary school, if you do a little pre-planning your entire trip will be more enjoyable.

The best time to visit the zoo is when it's nice and warm...sure the animals may be more inclined to nap when the temperatures rise but it is zero fun to be outside freezing looking for a Sumatran tiger that is probably hiding in the first place.  The only problem with it being nice and toasty?  Well the same as when it's cold:  you're outside in the first place and you're going to be walking around.  A lot.  So what do you wear?  Unless you're part of one of those tours were everyone sports matching t-shirts with your nickname on the back you've got a lot of freedom to choose.  Let us help you make a wise decision with our do's and don'ts.

Zoo Adventure Outfit
We may have enjoyed the zoo more than our niece did!  When figuring out what to wear, choose something lightweight and breezy to keep from getting too hot and opt for bright colors or patterns to help you stand out from the inevitable crowd.  Don't forget the sunscreen!
- pick something comfortable that you won't have to readjust every 5 minutes.  That means nothing too tight.
- choose lightweight fabrics that won't make you drip with sweat after the first five animals
- pick a bright color or bold pattern that will stick out from a crowd in case you and whoever you came with get separated.
- wear comfortable shoes that you don't mind walking around in for hours
- bring sunscreen.  And use it!  Don't forget the part in your hair...that is zero fun to have sun-burnt

- wear heels.  Of any kind.  1) You will look ridiculous.  2)  It's dangerous.  We're not saying you can't walk in heels, we're saying there's debris on the ground and kids running around like manics.  If you fall there is a very real possibility you could injure yourself or someone else.  Save them for dinner out on the town afterwards.
- get overly dressed up.  You'll be hot and uncomfortable which means you won't be fun to be around at all.  Don't be that girl.
- forget to bring water.  A lot of zoos will let you bring your own snacks in so take advantage of that and save yourself some serious money.

Zoo Adventure Outfit
Don't take yourself too seriously - remember, it's a zoo and you're meant to have fun and hopefully learn something.  Live it up!

The zoo is all about bringing back childhood memories and getting a chance to see wildlife you wouldn't get to see otherwise.  Grab a map, make a rough (and flexible!) plan and have fun!  

Photos courtesy of Jacqueline Harbin and Marietta

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